• info@fireone.in, infofireone@gmail.com
  • +91 9811-699-311, +91 8178-777-616
+91 9811-699-311



FMS is the information management system from FIREONE TECHNOLOGIES which supports firefighters during an emergency operation situation not only for frontline attackers but also for the back hand management controlling the command from control room .FMS provides a real-time information about the fleet management as well as the manpower required for the fire fighting forces , it also provide the information about the support system which can be available from surrounding area including new task force team first responders as well as the specialised vehicles in and around the vicinity of incident area .

FMS provides the operational readiness of a Fire vehicle of the incident area Fire control as well as the entire fire force of state or institution or a complex so that backhand operational team can do any contingency planning.

FMS also generates reports on daily /monthly basis In order to find out the RESPONDER FORCE present and the worthy ness of the fire vehicles of entire fire and emergency forces. The report can be generated at various level and also maintain its secrecy in an he racy wise.

Operational Reports

  • Automatic generation of operational reports
  • Current information about responders and fleets no , etc.
  • Manual input of additional information can also be passed on to seniors in reference to FMS

Vehicle Use

  • Reports of the readiness of Fire vehicle and individual Fire Task Force components
  • Possibility to track individual Fire vehicle.

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